Whelan Files, 1940-1980 Correspondence, photo, photo album, memorabilia, and you can prizes

Whelan Files, 1940-1980 Correspondence, photo, photo album, memorabilia, and you can prizes

An excellent. and you can Anna Graham Paperwork, 1919 Emails from Mrs

10662 Thomas E. Whelan are the original North Dakotan becoming designated since the a good U.S. ambassador and served into the Nicaragua, 1951-1961. (.25ft/oversize)

10669 Monson Nearest and dearest Photo, california. 1916-1919 Images away from family, farming affairs and you can tools, children within enjoy, dogs, farmstead structures, family rooms (furniture, textiles), neighborhood items, recreational use, church buildings, metropolitan areas, colleges, structure into farmstead property, and you can men making for Camp Dodge, IA (1917). All pictures were consumed in Walsh State (ND) about 1910s, while the range boasts photos within the Gladmar, Saskatchewan, Canada. (514 downsides/prints)

10674 Flora C. Burr Paperwork, ca. 1900-1940 Communication, an excellent poster, certificates, photographs, and you will sheet musical, some written by Plants. (.25ft)

10676 Hugh C. McCreery Documentation, california. 1914-1990 Logs, correspondence, pictures, scrapbooks, motion picture movie, guides, travel diaries, and you can collectibles of McCreery, a good hydraulic engineer to your You.S. Geological Survey in San francisco bay area, Hawaii, Helena, MT, and you may Bismarck, ND. (3ft)

10680 Frances Yards. (Cox) Wold Records, 1889-1994 Telecommunications, magazine clippings, images, leaflets, notecards, interview, regional records documents into Burleigh Co. and you will Northern Dakota, and working paperwork to possess articles in numerous e-books. kissbrides.com read more (14ft) Look for including MS-20388

10682 J. Graham to help you her husband away from farming and other family unit members inquiries, characters of their young man, Edward J. Kolar, while providing for the a world Combat I cycle tool inside France, newspaper clippings, and you may a photograph. (.25ft)

10685 Nelson E. Nelson 1870-1989 Include communication out of Nelson E. Nelson, Judson LaMoure, Judson LaMoure Jr., Judson LaMoure Ihrig, together with monetary and you can legal records, matrimony facts, certificates, and you will images. New collection of first documents is pretty varied, and you can includes several very early discover condition contracts, LaMoure’s 1874 relationship certificate and you will witness listing, organization receipts, 1892 Republican Federal Summit contribution invoices, telecommunications of Nelson’s bodies meeting percentage and you may Nelson’s claim having a Municipal War pension, personal house documents, governmental “letters out of introduction,” and you will business receipts. (1.25ft.)

10688 Emmanuel O. and you will Gladys (Malmberg) Landerholm Papers, 1938-1988 Flasher, ND; Bismarck, ND Photographs, anniversary booklets, Christmas cards in the Trinity Lutheran Chapel employees, ephemera, guides, and you may good youngsters’ color book. (.5ft)

10691 Roy Johnson and you can Louis Pfaller Documentation, 1867-1975 Magazine clippings, posts, photo, maps, literature, and communication recording the analysis off a couple historians, Johnson and you can Pfaller, on the Major James McLboats, mining, leaders, boundary humor, Local Americans, environment, murders, schools, missionaries, etcetera. (45ft)

Langer to your death of their particular dad, photographs, and papers clippings

10693 Jennie Lloyd Paperwork, ca 1885 Fessenden, ND Journal regarding Ida Lyness Lloyd, a page out of sympathy so you can Jennie regarding You.S. Senator William L. (.75ft)

10700 Phillip and you will Minnie (Biever) Walter Records, 1900-1943 Diaries, interaction, friends company ledgers, economic and you may a house info, images, products, and ephemera. This new Walters run a grocery store in the Leonard, ND. (2.5ft)

10714 Ruth Staley Files, 1895, 1920s-1943, letter.d. Bismarck. ND Scrapbooks containing numerous magazine clippings per North Dakota, applications from music demonstrations and you will regional governmental situations, and a portrait images out of Mr. and you can Mrs. John Beal and daughter Hazel. (.25ft)

10724 Darrell Dorgan Records, 1986-1990 Historic data files, programs from Bismarck, ND broadcast and television sending out programs, movies interview which have a number of North Dakotans, and you will records into preferred public items for instance the environment, opportunity, MX missile system, university degree, artificial fuels, taxes, Sitting Bull, plus the potato product sales. (2.5ft)

10730 Henry Walz 1930-1950 Scrapbooks regarding interaction, news clippings, emails, photos or other memorabilia layer topics that interested Henry Walz and you can was basically pertaining to occurrences inside the own lifetime. Walz is a ranch hands which worked for Theodore Roosevelt on his Elkhorn Farm near Medora (ND) from the 1880s. (2v)