In many cities today, conflicts anywhere between gangs try an unfortunate however, common density

In many cities today, conflicts anywhere between gangs try an unfortunate however, common density

  • Lees, Gene. The fresh Music Planets out of Lerner & Loewe. London: Robson Courses, 1990.
  • Lerner, Alan Jay. The fresh new Audio Theatre: A celebration. New york: Weil Capo Push, 1986.
  • Leve, James. Western Songs Theatre. Nyc: Oxford School Press, 2016.
  • Maslon, Laurence, ed. American Musicals 1950–1969: The complete Guide & Words of Seven Broadway Classics. Nyc: The latest Collection of The usa, 2014.
  • McHugh, Dominic. Loverly: Living and you may Times of My personal Reasonable Female. Broadway Legacies, modified by Geoffrey Cut-off. Nyc: Oxford College Push, 2012.
  • Mordden, Ethaning Right up Roses: The Broadway Audio about 1950s. New york: Oxford College or university Drive, 1998.
  • Oates, Jennifer. “Brigadoon: Lerner and you will Loewe’s Scotland.” Studies into the Songs Movies step 3, no. 1 (2009); 91–99.
  • Ostrow, Stuart. A Producer’s Broadway Journey. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1999
  • Traubner, Richard. Operetta: A great Theatrical Records. Backyard Area, NY: Doubleday, 1983.

Chapter 29 – Leonard Bernstein

From inside the 1957, yet not, the fresh new bitter battles anywhere between an effective Puerto Rican group (new Sharks) and you can a light group (the fresh Jets) emerged because a surprise to numerous people. The Jets need certainly to organize a fight-a rumble-to safeguard whatever they regard because their area facing a gang from “foreigners.” The fresh new Jets propose to question the problem in the college or university dancing that evening. The former commander, Tony, has “retired” from fighting, believing seksikkäät Mumbaian tytГ¶t that discover even more your than just the latest gang. Yet not, their companion Riff, the fresh Jets’ new leader, persuades Tony to go to the fresh new moving together with them.

Tony’s choice is fateful, to possess he notices Maria, younger sibling away from Bernardo, commander of Whales. erica to erican dancing. Tony and Maria is captivated by the one another, and go out seems to prevent while they dance and you can, carefully, start to hug. Simply after that, Bernardo becomes familiar with what his little aunt is perfectly up to, and he angrily sales Tony to remain out-of the woman. Riff interrupts the latest confrontation by the delivering the problem to rumble, and you may Bernardo believes to get to know Riff at regional pharmacy-the Jets’ common hangout-adopting the dancing so you’re able to package the main points of your own challenge.

The following day, Tony visits Maria in the bridal shop where she functions; she is disappointed in regards to the rumble and you may becomes Tony to hope you to definitely he’s going to stop they

Tony finds their cure for the new fire refrain exterior Maria’s flat, in which she sneaks out over see him. Unaware of it wonders rendezvous, Bernardo’s partner Anita tries to score him to look at the fresh condition from Maria’s direction. Bernardo is too furious to express Anita’s reason, and then he leaves into other Sharks to the war council within pharmacy. Anita as well as the almost every other girlfriends dispute in regards to the merits and you may disadvantages of its the brand new homeland in the “America” (Songs Example 38).

New Jets is waiting on Doc’s pharmacy, in which Riff tries to relaxed him or her down. If the Whales appear, stress attach again up to Tony conversations him or her to your letting the rumble be based on an effective fistfight between your top kid of each group. Bernardo, thinking the newest Jets’ fighter might possibly be Tony, agrees; he or she is troubled to learn that other Spray, Diesel, was their opponent.

As sunlight set, folk actually starts to anticipate the evening in the future throughout the “This evening (Quintet)” (Audio Example 39). If rumble initiate, Bernardo mocks Tony, looking to goad your to the fighting. Riff lunges send toward his pal’s part, and Bernardo pulls a knife. Riff, too, are equipped, therefore, the fight has-been very dangerous. Tony, not wanting Maria’s sis is damage, phone calls over to their pal. If you’re Riff are distracted, Bernardo lunges give and you will eliminates your. When you look at the a rage, Tony grabs Riff’s knife and you will eliminates Bernardo. Stunned, Tony stands looking at just what he or she is complete up until the Jets drag him aside.